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Pop up @ Ridley London
5:00 PM17:00

Pop up @ Ridley London

Ridley London will be hosting an evening with Camilla Rose Millinery, colour expert Jules Standish and stylist Nathalie Riddle. We will be on hand to guide and advise all things summer events with a glass or two or rosé!

Please RSVP to

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Trunk Show @ Alice & Olivia, Mayfair
5:00 PM17:00

Trunk Show @ Alice & Olivia, Mayfair

We are delighted to be popping up for an evening at Alice & Olivia in London! Camilla will be in on hand to help style and advise you about hats for the up and coming season ahead. We will be taking orders and hire bookings at the evening event.

Our hats will be available to view & try on at their store for a week after the event until 2nd May. All bookings and purchases will have to be completed via the Camilla Rose Website not in store.

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Pop up @ Sansom Reed, Marlow
10:00 AM10:00

Pop up @ Sansom Reed, Marlow

We are popping up in the beautiful Sansom Reed store in Marlow for one day only! You will have the chance to browse a selection of our hats, try them on and receive styling advise from Camilla and Annie of Sansom Reed. You will be able to book your hat hire and order bespoke hats for the coming Summer events ahead.

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